As a member of the San Clemente Water Polo Club:

  • I agree to conduct myself in a courteous, responsible and exemplary manner.
  • I recognize that the reputation of the Club is affected by and dependent upon my conduct and behavior.
  • I will check the team website/TeamSnap regularly to stay up to date on team activities and events.

In order to cultivate a safe and healthy learning environment for participants and foster Club unity and spirit;

  • I will obey all rules, regulations, and procedures announced by the coaching staff as well as those outlined in the USA Water Polo Rules Governing Conduct
  • I will compete and participate in all practices and games to the best of my ability.
  • I will exhibit sportsmanship and respect for teammates, coaches, and opponents at all times.
  • I will not in any way endanger the safety of another participant.
  • I will address all questions and concerns directly to my/my child’s head coach in a calm and courteous manner after a mandatory 24-hr reflection period following the issue in question.  If I am unable to resolve the issue with the coach, I will reach out to the Club Administrator or Club Director.  
  • I will not approach any coach, referee, event employee or athlete during an event.
  • I will support a positive team and club culture and will address my issues privately through proper communication channels and not in a group setting on team chat or gossip.
  • I will inform my/my child’s head coach directly regarding any upcoming absences from practices or games as soon as the need for the absence is known to me. 
  • I will uphold the Club core values of discipline, respect, and commitment.

I acknowledge that the following conduct is unacceptable by any child or Club staff member and will NOT be tolerated, including possible suspension or dismissal from the team.

  • Disrupting practices, failing to abide by coaches’/Club directives
  • Speaking in a manner that disrespects teammates, parents, coaches, the Club, or the pool facilities.
  • Use of profanity or inappropriate language.
  • Destruction or damage to the Club pool & facility, any facility we visit, or other member’s property 
  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or tobacco products by minors. 
  • Bullying in any form (i.e. physical, verbal, social media)

At away competition;

  • I will follow the schedule of activities as assigned by the coaches.
  • Teammates will be punctual at all club events and warm-up times.
  • Teammates will socialize with Club teammates or other competitors only in the common areas of the hotel/facility or areas designated for that purpose by the Club coaching staff.
  • Teammates will wear San Clemente Water Polo apparel in public spaces.
  • Travel trips that are overnight or longer will abide by the additional guidelines and expectations outlined in our Travel Player Code of Conduct.

I understand that failure to abide by the San Clemente Water Polo Club Code of Conduct may result in immediate disciplinary action including but not limited to;

  • Suspension from practice.
  • Suspension from a game.
  • Suspension from an event.
  • Suspension from the team/Club.
  • Forfeiture of all payments or credits for participation in an event and/or program.
  • Dismissal from the team/Club.  (If dismissal occurs while on a travel trip, the cost of the immediate return trip will be at the participant’s/parent’s expense).
  • Any combination of the above.

I understand that it is an honor and privilege to represent the San Clemente Water Polo Club,  and I agree to conduct myself appropriately and honorably at all times at practices, games, all other Club functions, and within the greater San Clemente community.

I understand that parents/players must assume responsibility for any property damages caused by their player(s), including any necessary costs of repair, replacement, or extraordinary cleaning. 

I understand that the decisions of the Club coaching staff will prevail in any disciplinary action and that the Club coaches can make and enforce necessary interpretations of the Code of Conduct.