The intention of these guidelines is to ensure that San Clemente Water Polo Club players, parents and coaches can enjoy tournaments in a secure and safe manner. San Clemente Water Polo Club players and their families also have a responsibility to act as ambassadors for the club when attending tournaments. These guidelines are intended to provide clear communication to all players and parents as to acceptable behavior while traveling with the team.

  • It is strongly recommended that all players, parents and coaches stay at the same hotel for the duration of the tournament.
  • Players should follow a dress code of wearing San Clemente Water Polo Club apparel when traveling to tournaments and while in hotels, unless otherwise instructed by the coach. This also applies to injured players traveling with the team who must wear full San Clemente Water Polo Club warm-up or uniform if they intend to sit on the bench with the team during games.
  • All players will have a defined curfew established by the coach. The default is that all players should be in their own rooms for the night by 10pm, unless otherwise stated by the coach. Parents are responsible for the whereabouts of their children and any other players they are supervising.
  • All players are expected to be punctual for all team meetings and tournaments.
  • All players are expected to leave all spaces at least as clean or ideally cleaner than they found them, refraining from littering, and being aware to pick up after themselves, pitching in to help others with clean up.
  • All players must be polite, professional and courteous in manner while at a pool, a hotel, a restaurant, or in any place where the team or player travels, refraining from unsavory remarks, actions, or bad language towards fellow players, opponents, officials, and staff. All pool, hotel, restaurant or other location’s rules must be adhered to.
  • Any player found using or in possession of cigarettes, vape devices, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance will be asked to leave immediately and may be suspended by or removed from the Club.
  • The onus is on the player to inform their coach of any medication that the player is taking during the time of the Tournament.
  • Any player found stealing, vandalizing, fighting or involved in any illegal or inappropriate activity, will be asked to leave immediately and may be suspended by or removed from the Club. Player families will be held liable for any damage caused by their child to the pool, hotels, or other private property.
  • Players are strongly discouraged from fraternizing with members of the opposite sex while representing the club at tournaments.
  • Player visits to places of entertainment must be supervised by a coach or adult family member.
  • Any player found to be in a hotel room or other private environment with non-family members of the opposite sex without adult supervision will be asked to leave immediately and may be suspended by or removed from the Club.

Any player, coach, or parent who observes conduct inconsistent with the above guidelines has the obligation and responsibility to report the act to the coach and/or club director.